Low Energy Playtime - Foam Stickers

Having being recently diagnosed with CFS/ME, I have found the messy playtimes we used to enjoy a huge challenge. So I have been researching play that doesn't take too much energy, but gets the children exploring different ways to play and learn.

Ideas for play for parents who are chronically ill

Today we tried out an idea I found on Pinterest a while ago - foam stickers. The original pin was set up on a wall, but I decided it would be easier and create more space for both of the children to play if we did it on the floor - my two tend to fall out very easily!

For this you will need:
A large roll of paper such as brown paper.
Masking Tape
Foam Stickers
Felt Tip Pens

I already had a roll of brown paper, but you can use any kind of paper you want. I used packing tape that wouldn't stick too tightly to the floor, causing any damage, and stuck all the corners down.

I then used the children's felt tips to draw some large shapes on the paper and then pulled out lots of foam sticker shapes I had bought from a craft shop. You can also buy these online - try amazon or ebay.

I had to sit with the children this activity, as they needed advice on the shapes, particularly Jack who is only just learning them. I do tend to try and find play that they can do with minimal assistance as it tires me out, but this wasn't too bad.

Holly, being three, knows all her shapes and colours so she enjoyed peeling off the back of the stickers and putting them in the right place.

I helped Jack identify the shapes and try and put them on the right picture and after repeating the same shape a few times he seemed to grasp what to do.

Of course his big sister was only happy to boss him about help him out!

Once they got tired of the sticking, which was mainly Jack as he isn't a fan of too much mental activity, I pulled out the crayons and let them have fun doing some drawing.

This activity took about ten minutes to set up and kept the children entertained for about 45 minutes with clear up only taking five minutes - I just unstuck the paper and threw it in the bin!

This is a great activity for some simple shape learning and by using different stickers you can expand it to various areas. You could also include other elements by pulling together different shaped or coloured items and getting to match them to the pictures.

For more ideas for low energy play you can find my other posts here. You can also find more ideas on my Pinterest board.


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