Guest Post: Keeping Safe In The Sun

Today's post is brought to you by Kate from Family Fever. 

I think that as parents, sun safety is something that we all worry about. There really is nothing better than seeing your children out in the summer sun, but of course we want to keep them well protected too. There are several very easy things you can do to keep your little ones safe in the sun.

Use suncream, hats and glasses.
Make sure the suncream you use is in date and offers a high level of UV and SPF protection. Personally, I like to use SPF 50 on my little ones, especially very young children. Ensure you use a good layer of suncream too, don’t be stingy when it comes to sun safety! Reapply after children have been in the water, even if using a water resistant cream. Ensure your children wear hats at all times (easier said than done I know, but do persevere) and if possible, a pair of good sunglasses can protect young eyes.

Keep out of the sun during the hottest part of the day.
This doesn’t mean you need to go inside, but for ultimate sun safety, move out of the sun and into the shade. It’s a great excuse to sit and have a picnic, play a game or even take an afternoon nap.

Use a buggy sunshade. 
It’s so easy to forget about the little ones in pushchairs, as you can be so focused on making sure older children are well covered and playing sensibly. Even with a large protective hood, babies can be exposed to the sun, so it’s important they are covered too. Using a good quality buggy sunshade that offers not only UV protection but a shady place to rest too is a must. Choose one that’s easy to store, quick to throw over the pushchair, and watch out for multipurpose options that can double up as blankets and changing mats too!

Drink, drink, drink!
This applies to all ages – parents too! I am always making sure my children drink enough but often forget to take my own advice and end up feeling headachey and tired by the middle of the day. Keep a bottle of water in the pushchair, another in the picnic bag and another somewhere else too, so that no matter where you are and what you are doing, there is always a bottle of water handy to keep sipping at. Sun safety isn’t just about protecting your skin, it’s about keeping the rest of your body hydrated and in top form too!

Do you have a sun safety tip to share? How do you enjoy the summer safely? Have you ever used a buggy sunshade yourself, or is there a certain suncream you really rate?
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