Welcome to 2015!

Over the last couple of years I have written a post setting a few goals for the coming twelve months and assessing how I did with these the previous year. I find at this time of year I like to sit back and reassess where I've come and where I hope to go in the future - it is quite therapeutic. I have spent quite a lot of time over the last couple of weeks journaling, planning, brainstorming and have also followed Susannah Conway's Find Your Word programme.

Last year I set myself five goals, so let's see how I did:

- Tackle my Chronic Fatigue. Well I definitely feel I am much improved on this time last year. Whilst I am still battling daily with tiredness, fatigue and anxiety, I think things are better managed now and I have plans in mind to continue this.

- To get into vlogging. I certainly achieved this, and I am thrilled with the support I have received from you all on this. My Youtube linky is going well and whilst daily vlogging over Vlogmas was a big commitment, I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it.

- To start to eat better. It took me a while but I made the decision in August to really tackle this and for a couple of months I did really well. Unfortunately my hand blender just couldn't cut it and became my excuse to fall behind. The recent arrival of my Nutribullet is set to change all that though!

- To complete the Yorkshire Three Peaks. This was an epic fail, but due to the Chronic Fatigue it just wasn't possible. One day hopefully.

- To try and be happy. I was up and down all year with this, so let's say I had a go at it.

So what' the plan for 2015? I don't set resolutions as I don't like to put things in stone and then feel guilty if I fail miserably. I prefer to give myself things to aim at and work on them as and when I can.

Via Susannah's Find Your Word, my chosen word that I hope to inspire and lead me through the year is Peace.

Alongside this I also have a secondary word that I just couldn't let go which is Content. I seem to constantly be striving for me and never really satisfied with what is right there in front of me. Whilst we have our struggles, we have each other, two beautiful children, a lovely home, a good lifestyle and fantastic family and friends. Really, why is that not enough? I am never going to be the type of person who doesn't have goals or strive to better myself, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy with where I am right now and appreciate the moments. With this in mind I have created a Pinterest board as a visual aid to refresh my inspiration and keep myself focused.

For my blogging, I am currently having a major rethink. Whilst I love my blog, I feel I really don't have a set focus and want to change this a little. My content will remain similar to what it is now, but I hope refine it a little and in doing this it will lead to better quality posts.

I am also planning to continue vlogging and have a few ideas in mind for this year. If you want to work together on this do let me know as I am on the lookout for more collaborations!

So there you have it. Nothing too rigid, nothing too controlling and quite a loose guide to how I want to progress over the next year. I would love to read your goals for 2015, leave your links in the comments so I can have a read!


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