Family Days Out in Lancashire: Fairy Glen

Now the weather is picking up a little bit, Mr H and I have decided to try and get out for a family day  at least once over the weekend. This isn't always easy for me when I'm trying to manage having Chronic Fatigue, but if I'm having a bad time we will still try and go out even if it's only to the cinemas. I've been searching and saving ideas for a few weeks now of local places we can try - not being from the area originally myself I don't have my childhood to look back on and Mr H is no help at all! Thanks to various Facebook groups and local friends, I've got quite a collection saved up, so this weekend we decided to try one that looked relatively close to home and make the most of the appearance of the sun.

Fairy Glen is in Appley Bridge in Wigan, about thirty minutes from where we live and a biological heritage site. It is technically a valley which has been cut down by a brook that weaves through the land and has created a secluded place to venture into.

We parked across the road from the entrance to the glen, which is on a very busy and fast road so do take care when you are crossing. Once you are inside though, it's like the rest of the world disappears.  I felt like we could have been in the Lakes or Dales, not a few miles from our front door.

Jack was in his absolute element, especially next to the brook and we did have to keep telling him not to get quite so close. He spent most of the trip collecting sticks to throw into the water and watching excitedly how far they would travel. Holly meanwhile, meandered around, sometimes collecting sticks, sometimes laughing with daddy and sometimes just quietly taking it all in.

The trail is about a mile in length and circles back on itself. The brook goes from a gentle trickle to gushing waterfalls in places and the rocks create some impressive cliff faces. We took lunch with us and decided to stop to eat near the largest of the waterfalls and found a fantastic spot right next to it, perched on some impressive sandstone rocks. It was pretty special just sitting there, taking it all in.

It was a really lovely day out and we are definitely going to return once spring really arrives, bringing with it a carpet of bluebells to Fairy Glen. You never know, we may even spot a woodland creature or two.


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