Juicing and Yoga With Curry's

Just over a week ago I was invited to attended an event in Leeds with Currys PC World. I travelled across the moors with local blogging buddy, Let's Talk Mommy and we had a lovely catch up, making the hour and a half journey fly by.

The lovely Jenny

The event was based on nutrition and fitness with several Phillips juicers being demonstrated as well as a session of yoga to wake us up before the juices started flowing. I did plan for the yoga, bringing sweats along with me, but in the ended decided to go for it in jeans and a jumper - I was a bit sweaty afterwards! It was great fun snapping several bloggers in their downwards dogs, though!

After the yoga our group then visited the three tables set up - one for practising juicing ourselves, one for a cocktail masterclass and one to learn more about the how to add even more goodness into your juices using natural enhancements and additives.

Green tea and chia seeds

I really enjoyed trying out the juicers, I have owned one previously but these were super robust and very quickly zapped the juice out of everything we added making yummy concoctions at the end.

Strawberries and lime?
Because it was an event there was so much fruit and veg on offer - most of which I would never normally have at home. It was really interesting to try unusual combinations to see what worked and what didn't. I discovered beetroot is actually really great, plus it makes all the juices look yummy instead of that weird murky brown colour some can have. Ginger is also a really interesting taste to add, just watch you don't put in too much. One flavour I really enjoyed was lime, which surprised me, and I have included it in a few smoothies at home for that morning zing!

Production line of juicer
It was a really fun day and I enjoyed seeing the bloggers over in Yorkshire I don't get to chat to very often, as well as meeting some for the first time who I talk to online a lot. Plus I won a juicer with my rather *flattering* photo of Jenny - cheers chick!

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