Top Tips on How You Can Combat the Winter Blues

Although they undoubtedly have their positives, the Autumn and Winter months can act as a catalyst for sadness for a lot of people – and it’s scientifically proven that this is an actual health condition. It’s no wonder really. We go from warm weather, long days and an abundance in vitamin D, to dark mornings, darker nights, cold air and the sun hiding for months at a time. This time of year can begin to feel like a slog for a lot of people, because they can see the dark nights, feel the chill of the air, and know it’s only going to creep up infinitely quicker day by day for the next six months or so. If this sounds like you, then here are some top tips on how you can combat the infamous “Winter blues” and stay positive this season.

Keep Stress to a Minimum

If you’re already struggling with the way you feel, then being stressed on top of that is a recipe for negativity. If you can, keep stress to a minimum throughout these months.

For example, if you’re planning on selling your house and moving soon, it’s probably best to wait it out rather than to rush into it now. Despite there being companies out there who claim “we buy any house in the UK”, it’s actually proven that on the housing market, there is a right and a wrong time to sell your home – and Winter is undoubtedly the wrong time. You’d be far better off making preparations in advance, and then taking action once the Spring arrives.

Of course, that’s an example, but what we’re really trying to say is don’t make things harder for yourself! We live in such a high-pressure world nowadays that at times, it can feel as if we have to do everything well, and we have to do it now. If you’re susceptible to feeling rubbish in the colder months, then now is the time to go a little easy on yourself. Take that extra days holiday, go to bed early, and stay on top of the things you have to do! You’ll thank yourself in the long run.

Take Care of Your Skin

It’s no secret that our skin tends to thrive in the Summer – so the Winter conditions can come as a rude awakening to us. No longer are we sun-kissed and freckly, but instead the icy sharp winds threaten us with a dry soreness we haven’t experienced in some time. Ouch.

It so happens that now is the perfect time to get on top of your skincare regime. The Winter isn’t set to grip fully for another couple of months, and Autumn is known to be kinder to us – so preparing your skin now for the harsh air to come is no bad thing. Take the time to re-evaluate what you’re using on your skin, and reconsider the ingredients you’re using within your skincare. Say for example, you’ve been using lighter creams and treatments throughout the warmer months, now might be the time to switch to something a little more heavy duty. Strangely, the nicer our skins feel, the better we feel overall when we look in the mirror – so make it a priority. After all, it’s the only skin you’ve got.

Let The Light In

Although those cosy nights in front of the fireplace are by far one of the nicest parts of Winter, it’s important to let outdoor light into your atmosphere too.

If we aren’t getting much of that, then artificial light boxes are a great alternative, and sitting by these for thirty minutes a day can make a big difference to us. However, nothing beats natural light, so on those bright and breezy days, open your curtains and invite it in! Even better, wrap up in your winter woollies, and go for a walk in the fresh air. Sure, it’s an old cliché, but you’d be surprised how much better you’ll feel with rosy cheeks and a raised heart rate.

Eat Well

Finally, it’s more important than ever to eat well at this time of year.

Germs are circulating, and the cold dark climate makes us hungrier than ever. It can be all too easy to reach for the chocolate – and although this is fine sometimes it won’t provide your body with the nutrients it needs to make you feel better. Think of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. There is nothing more warming, or nutritious than a home made soup of blended vegetables. It’s delicious, and a sure way to get your five a day.

*This is a featured post.


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