Me & Mine: A 2016 Round Up

OK, so we are nearly two weeks into January (holy crap, how did that happen?!) but last year I wrote a bit of a round up of our family posts that I have shared throughout the year and wanted to do the same this year. Whilst I haven't managed to keep up to Me & Mine every month, again,  I do still enjoy seeing all the photos I have shared all together.

January 2016

I love this photo so much as it really sums us up as a family - crazy, happy and often grumpy but filled with lots of love! Reading back this time last year both children had had chickenpox and we'd had snow, Jack's first since he was a baby. I also noticed that Holly had started being difficult at bedtime, which has only escalated since then, and I didn't realise it had started so long ago.

February 2016

This photo was taken on the first time we tried Geocaching, and we all loved it. It has been a while since I've been up for a proper walk so hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll get enough energy to do one, as we all love to get outdoors together.

March 2016

Here we are, dressed in our best, ready to celebrate daddy's birthday meal. Reading back it seems Jack has just begun some serious tantruming and whilst that has definitely calmed down, he still has his moments. We definitely have two strong-willed little people!

April 2016

This is definitely one of the photos that I treasure from last year - a happy family photo of us all on holiday in a really special place. Whilst a week self catering didn't really give us the rest we needed, we still loved all being together and playing about.

July 2016

A couple of months were missed and then here we are in July on a lovely summers evening walk. By this point Holly had finished her first year in school and we were enjoying the summer break. We were also in the middle of our loft extension by this point, I can't believe we've had it for six months now!

August 2016

This photo was taken around the time of my mum's birthday in August when we were all going over for a visit - doesn't Jack looked thrilled at the idea! We'd had a really lovely summer and done so much it's hard to believe we crammed it all in. Also not hard to understand why I had a major crash the next month and am still recovering.

December 2016

It seems summer completely did me in as there were no more updates following that as I spent most of autumn in bed. Here's our usual family photo taken on Boxing Day at my mums, Jack really didn't want his photo taken though so it looking more than a little grumpy.

So there we are! It has been a real joy looking back on all the updates and reading what the children were up to each month - time flies so fast and by the end of the year you really do forget all those little moments, which is why I'm so glad I record them as much as I do. Hopefully this year I can keep up with these posts as I enjoy them so much.
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