As I always seem to say, our little lady grows up more and more every day. Recently she has been an absolute delight to be around - listening to what I say, chatting away to me and generally being nice and helpful. It is lovely to enjoy her company so much, as there has been times when she has been particularly whiney and grumpy, but I am thoroughly enjoying this stage and long may it last! On our recent holiday in Spain she loved being around daddy and him chasing around with her and jumping in the (freezing) pool.
She is a very sociable little girl and has friends wherever she goes. I'm very proud to watch her go up to a child she doesn't know and say hello, as it's something I never dared do as a child and I know it will be stand her in good stead as she grows. She's very kind and looks after others, including her little brother, but she can be on the bossy side which makes me smile!
If you've read my recent post you'll know Jack has been somewhat of a handful of late. His paddies and mood swings have had me at my wits end and wondering what I have done wrong as a parent. We've tried to be firm and consistent and it seems to be slowly working and whilst he is very strong willed, he has started to back down a little easier than he was.
That doesn't stop me laughing in joy at his antics, and he really does keep us entertained. From swimming in the pool on holiday naked, to racing around the house with his Batman figures. And he always has a cuddle at the ready should you need one.