The Best Day Ever

Ever since she was three months, Miss H was interested in the TV. When Mickey Mouse came on she would sit in her bouncer chair and kick her feet, giggling away. However Little J really wasn't bothered at all. That is, however, until he discovered a certain fireman. When he was about eighteen months old I was flicking through the channels when Fireman Sam came on and for whatever reason I left it. And from then on he was hooked. To the point that he often throws a fit if there is anything else on the TV and 'Sam,' or some version of it, was his most commonly used word. Now whenever he sees a Fire Engine or a fire of any sort he calls for Sam to come and save the day!

So when we saw the local fire station were holding a fun day, we knew we had to go. In fact it's been in the diary for weeks and I was so looking forward to seeing his little face.

So yesterday was the day and we all got ourselves dressed with excitement. Unfortunately the weather didn't hold and it literally threw it down all day, but that didn't stop us. As soon as we crossed the road and he saw the shiny red engine parked outside the Station, his eyes lit up. 'Sam! Sam!' he shouted at us.

Then both the children spotted Mickey and Minnie Mouse waving at them and ran over to say hello and have a cuddle.

We went inside and of course bought them each a fireman's hat and had a browse around some of the stands. But really my little man just wanted to be near the engines, so we went outside to the back where one was open for the children to sit inside and have a look around.

We sat him in the driver's seat and his face was a picture, he just loved it. Playing with the wheel and pretending he was driving, then peeking through the windows, his cheeky smile appearing through the glass.

There were a couple of rides so both children went on the little train and Mr H and I stood together, proud of our little people and how happy they were. It was a lovely, happy family moment and my eyes welled up.

Of course my little daredevil then wanted to try the bungee trampolines. He seemed so little in there and I think once he got on he wasn't quite so sure, so mummy had to climb up to help him out. Once he got his confidence, though, he loved it and eventually was bouncing on his own.

It's not often we do something that's just for Little J - being the youngest and still little, a lot of our days out are for Miss H or both of them. But yesterday was all about him and he absolutely adored every single second. Whether it was running around in awe of the firemen and engines around him, or trying to climb the huge steps and get back into the cabin for another drive. Often I would just see him stood looking up at the fire engines in wonder. It was so precious.

As we walked back to the car, wet through and all a bit tired, I held his little hand in mine and asked him about the day. 'I bounce!' he told me and 'My hat!' as he pointed to his head. It just made me take stock of how fleeting these young days are and that soon my little boy won't want to hold my hand any more or answers my questions with such enthusiasm. It really was the best day ever.


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