Tutorial: DIY Memo Board

I have been working on creating an office in my spare room for a while now and one thing I know I wanted was a memo board. I have been a fan of them for a few years now and considered buying one from Etsy. I recently saw Kerry over at Oh So Amelia had made her own so I decided to give it a try myself.

I love bright colours so I ordered a half quarter of this Robert Blake zigzag fabric from Ebay and some rose pins. I also ordered a large cork board, then I found some cream satin fabric in my stash and grabbed my staple gun.

Unfortunately I didn't take any photos during making it, but it is really simple. Cover the board in the fabric and at the back fold it like you would gift wrap, then staple in place. Make sure you have it as tight as you can so there's no bagginess in the front.

I then measured my ribbon where I wanted it, cut it to size then stapled that at the back. Finally I added the push pins where the ribbon crossed and used my glue gun to stick some beige flowers to the top corner and it was done, as easy as that!


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