Here's To 2014

We are now three days into the New Year and I am hoping so much that this one goes better than last year. What with my dads illness, my own PND and CFS and just generally raising two children so close in age, it has been a tough year all round.

Looking back on last year's first January post I didn't really make resolutions. Instead I planned to spend more time on my blog, which I did - 180 posts compared to 2012's 130! I've already shared my most popular posts for the year, but here is just a little of where my blogging took us all in 2013.

In February via my blog I reunited with an old friend - Leyla at This Day I Love. I am so happy that we have got back in contact and I know she is someone I will be friends with for a long time to come.

In April I finally took the plunge and attended my first blogging event at Kiddicare in Aintree. It was also the second time I met up with Susanne at Ghostwritermummy who I am so pleased to call a friend.

Myself, Susanne and Heather, along with lots of help, put together the NW Mile in Memory Walk for Matilda Mae. It might have rained but it was such a special day.

We enjoyed some lovely days out together including Manchester's Sea Life Centre, The Lookout at the Lowry, Chester Zoo and Wild Wings Birds of Prey.

Thanks to some fantastic brands our garden received a makeover!

I attended Britmums and Blog On and can safely say these were two of my favourite 2013 moments.

I attempted to climb the Yorkshire 3 Peaks and had an amazing experience.

And thanks to The Sweet Shop, Homesense, Cosatto and Next I enjoyed some time to myself and time to meet and chat with other bloggers.

So, what are my plans or goals for 2014?

*First and foremost to tackle this Chronic Fatigue, which in the last few months has taken over our lives. I am at (hopefully) my lowest point right now and I hope in twelve months I can look back on this, feeling like I am living again.

*To continue my blogging and get more into vlogging. I have recently set up a Youtube channel and so far am enjoying creating some vlogs and getting to grips with a different side of things.

*To start to eat better. My diet is appalling and there's no doubt it's contributing to my CFS, so starting now I plan on improving this considerably.

*To complete the Yorkshire Three Peaks, and this year we will do it!!

*To try and be happy. 2013 was a crap year, there's no denying, so here's to making 2014 a better one!

So here's to this year, I hope it's a good one for you all!



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