Round & Round The Garden: A Winter's Update

Winter is well and truly upon us, despite the lack of snow we have supposedly been forecast. The house is all decked out in tinsel and twinkly lights and we are  excitedly awaiting the arrival of Santa. With all this preparation it occurred to me how little of this is transferred over to the garden. Apart from setting some Christmas boxes outside the front door, my poor garden which I spent hours transforming over the summer, has had very little attention.

If you followed my Round & Round The Garden series over the summer, you will know my back yard went from this: this:

We were all so thrilled with the results as we worked so hard making it an area our children could really enjoy as they grew.

So a couple of weekends ago I decided to tackle the garden a little and give it some much needed TLC. I also took some updated photos of how things are growing since we finished the project in September.

Considering the time of year we still have flowers in the tyres, and they look fantastic. I am so pleased with how that project turned out. All the little touches that we have added just finish it off beautifully and I'm sure will be added to over the years. In Springtime I plan on planting some blossom trees at the back of the play area and am considering putting a hedge down the left fence to block out the road next to us.

As I tackled the much-needed maintenance, I knew a lot of the bushes needed trimming back ready for their winter hibernation, so I focused on the Buddleja and Honeysuckle. It is important to trim the straggly ends back so when the plants have stored all their energy over winter, they can grow afresh from the new shoots, making your shrubs look healthier and creating a better shape for the next season. I also pinned back the new stems of the Honeysuckle around the bottom of the pergola, which will encourage them to grow up it and eventually surround the whole frame in a beautiful, scented delight.

I then dead-headed any flowers that were left, so plants weren't wasting any energy on keeping hold of them, as well as cutting off the dead heads of the Buddleja as these can easily go to seed and spread.

Finally I weeded the whole garden, clearing it of any unsightly plants. Winter is a great time for this as the weeds are dormant and so you can really get into to the root and get rid of them.

Making sure your garden is tended to at a time of year you may not really want to be venturing out into the cold, does make sure you have less to do in the Spring time, when everything comes alive with vigour, so I would really advise you to get out there and put in a little work. You can make it a lovely afternoon with the children, and teach them a little about gardening too.

I am so thrilled with the way our project turned out in the end, it really was a labour of love and I think it will be a space we will cherish in the years to come. It is not often you are given a blank canvas to create what you want with, some I am so thankful for our opportunity.

*This is a featured post


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