15 Months Old

At the end of this month my little man will be 15 months old. Following his birthday in May times have gone by in a bit of blur so I wanted to write an update of all the things my little man has been doing!

On the whole he is still a content little fellow. He is quiet and prefers to sit back and take things in when he enters a new environment. He has a great little frowny face to greet you if hes not sure of you - I do have to reassure people hes not grumpy really, just a little serious.

At home, though, he is like a whirlwind! He never sits still, literally, always chasing H or the dog around, kicking a football, playing with cars or destroying anything that H sets up to play with. This is often met by much screaming and anger on her part and then screaming from him in retaliation. The days are filled with many a battle!

The Battle Ground
He sleeps through the night, only occasionally having a bad night if he is having trouble with his teeth or gets a bit snuffly with a cold. He seems to be a bit more prone to a runny nose than H but I think he's still building up his immune system.

He is now completely on our food and down to one bottle on a night, and sometimes he's not bothered about that and prefers a juice. He is now using a spoon and sometimes a fork and sits at the table on his booster seat next to H, which he loves!

Most of the time H and J get on well, although they are very different. J adores his big sister though and is like his shadow - the the point that he lays on her and pins her down he wants to be that close! J loves his daddy and always greets him with a huge smile and rushes towards him to give him a huge hug. It is lovely to see their bond and I know daddy is very proud watching his little boy grow. He is a very cuddly little boy and is always ready to throw his arms around if you need a pick-me-up!

He is trying to talk although words are very sporadic and often dropped the next day. So far we've had dada, mum, jasper, holly, oh no, uh oh, ball, go and ta. He is definitely proving to be more of a doer though and keeping him from climbing over, under and through things is the biggest challenge! The train table has had to go for the time being as he will not stop climbing and standing on it, so he's now moved to climbing on the toy boxes near the windowsill and peering out. There is rarely a day goes by when he doesn't have a new bump from one tumble or another. He has also decided he wants to walk down the stairs rather than crawl backwards down them - of course he wants to copy his big sister! Needless to say mummy regularly has a heart attack as he crashes his way through the day!

He is walking everywhere, but not quite up to running and is still sometimes unsteady. He is often in so much of a rush to get somewhere he trips over his feet and we always say he looks like a drunken man when he toddles past up, at full pelt.

It is so strange to look back on his baby photos now, he has grown so much in such a short time! It seems like forever ago that he was laid in his Moses basket, kicking and gurgling and fully reliant and mummy and daddy.

He is becoming such a little character and always makes us laugh with his antics. The days might be hard but I wouldn't change my little family for anything and I cannot wait to watch my two grow and play together, the best of friends (I hope!)


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