Dino Land

Over the bank holiday we took the opportunity to include Mr H in some messy play. A while ago I bought some rubber dinosaurs and have been meaning to give some small world play a try. So I brought in the Tuff Spot and set it all up.

Firs too all I coloured some spaghetti for the grass and mud. Then I added the mountains and trees from the dinosaur set and brought in some stones and leaves from the garden to make it a bit more authentic. I set it all up and added the dinosaurs and Dino Land was complete!

In the other side of the table I put some blue waters and set up the water creatures - the children both love water play so this always go down well.

Daddy and the children jumped in. I think H was quite awestruck by it all and held back a little bit.


As always Baby J dived right in and started throwing the spaghetti around. Soon there was more spaghetti in the water than with the dinosaurs.


Then play turned to the water.

As I expected the children ended up spending most of their play in the water. So much so that Baby J decided to climb right in and have a paddle!

H thought this was a great idea and quickly joined him!

It was a bit of a squish for both though, so H ended up in the sink having a paddle whilst doing some cleaning.

I loved the Dino Land and was quite proud of my set up. I think Mr H concluded I was a bit mad, and the children enjoyed splashing more than playing in the world, but I am happy whichever way they choose to play. As long as they are having fun!


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