Garden Envy

Yesterday we visited our good friends who moved house not long after us so are also in the throws of settling in. Unlike us their house is about five years old and reasonably established - it also came with a good size, mature garden filled with flowers, a pond, a summer house, a vegetable patches and even frogspawn! Jealous? Moi? Yup, more than a smidge.

Frogspawn always makes me smile

The sun came out again and it was a degree or two warmer than it has been all week so the husbands took the older children outside to play whilst the smaller ones had their naps. Baby J refused the go down so in the end I put his rain suit on and let him crawl about.

Baby J's first time in the garden

With the recent cold and snow it was the first chance he had to go outside and play but he didn't even bat an eyelid and proceeded to try and pick up some stones the children had left in a sledge and just generally crawled about exploring his new surroundings.

Little explorer

It was lovely to see the children finally outside enjoying the fresh air. It has made me long even more to sort our mud-bath of a garden out as soon as we can. I think I will go even more stir-crazy if the weather warms up and we are still stuck inside!

What's this sunshine???
A must-have garden toy - bat and ball
Counting the steps, and pulling an odd pose!
Think we're getting the seasons mixed up!
The was topped off with a slide!
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
Spring Carnival


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