Glow Eggs

As it is coming up to Easter I gave been gradually collecting a few items together to put together a fun sensory box. Amongst these items were some plastic eggs. A few days ago I came across a fun post on Pinterest via Train Up A Child and decided I HAD to give it a try! It involved water beads, submersible tea lights and said plastic eggs. Unfortunately when the moment arose to have a go I hadn't put the beads in water long enough so we couldn't give them a try quite yet, so I'm saving them for another day.

I dragged H's water table from the garden. It has been sat there unused all winter and after seeing other bloggers use them for indoor play I decided it should go to waste no more. After a quick clean down I filled it with water, then threw in the eggs with the lights inside. I pulled down the blind and let the kids go wild.

They loved it and spent a good hour exploring the lights, splashing around and transferring them from one side of the table to the other. I added some sponges, cups and spoons and they had a great time. I love it now J is old enough to join in these activities and he has so much fun! My kitchen was soaked and so were the children but they absolutely loved it and that's what matters.

PS Apologies for the grainy images, iPhones don't do well in the dark!


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