Easter Sensory Box

I love my sensory boxes and have creating since H was about six months. With Easter coming I couldn't resist the chance to make a bit of springtime fun during this miserable season.

I head to the seasonal aisle of my local Tesco's and found some shredded tissue paper in yellow and green. They also had some chocolate lollies that were Easter themed, some chocolate eggs and some plastic eggs (which have already been used numerous times and at a pound were the best purchase, see our Water Bead Play and Glow Egg posts). At a card shop I found some little chickens. At the last minute I threw in some battery powered tea lights I had and we had ourselves a lovely dusk Easter party!

H head straight for the chocolate and dug out two eggs and a lolly! Typical! So she spent her time scoffing down whatever she could find.

Baby J took his time a bit more particularly and started out with the tissue paper.

Once he found those lit up eggs rattled too he was in his element making as much noise as he could. But he soon returned to the tissue and began collecting together all the paper H had thrown out in her endeavours to secure all the chocolate!

Once H had been distracted from her stomach enough we made nests for the chickens, and she then jumped in one herself. Of course who could resist throwing it all around the place, on yourself, Baby J - even Auntie Laura joined in!

We spent a lovely hour making a nice mess and the children had a great time in that usually-dreaded hour before bedtime. Happy Easter!


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