Me & Mine: February 2016

March is here and supposedly Spring, yet yesterday we saw lots of snow covering the arrival of the happy, yellow daffodils that had just started peeking through. It has been a cold few weeks and I am definitely ready for our holiday in April.

February was a relatively quiet month for us, with half term, valentines, one friends twins' birthday and another's little boy's christening being the main activities. It was, however, a big month in terms of work for me as I head down to London at the start of the month to film with Mumsnet and Lidl, and then began a new job which sees me returning to the office for the first time in six years. To get out of the house, take on a new role and make a contribution to the household finances gives me such a sense of purpose and I am so grateful to my new boss for enabling me to do this whilst still managing my energy levels and be there for my family.

So onto the month:


My darling girl you have been so happy recently, and such a pleasure to be around. You are silly and giddy, have been doing lots of roaring in my face and tickling us all and you love nothing more than to show us your latest dance whilst we sit bemused on the sofa, ever your audience. It reminds me when your auntie and I were small and put on regularly performances for our family, and I can't wait to see more!

Half term came and you and I spent some lovely time together, as well as enjoying visits to Blackpool and grandma's in Yorkshire. I know I often let you play on your own, or leave you watching your iPad whilst I work or rest, so it was a joy for us to spend time together and enjoy each other's company.

A photo posted by Hollybobbs (@hollybobbs) on


My little man, you have become such a chatterbox of late! After being later than your sister to talking and it taking you a while to become clear, you now never stop! Whilst I love to hear your little voice, I won't lie, it can be exhausting! You start every sentence with 'you know...', which I interpret as 'do you know...' and if I don't listen the first time around you will repeat yourself endlessly until I answer you.

You are still as active as ever and I am regularly signing accident forms at nursery from one bump or another - I dread to think what you will get up to in future years! Your aunt and I laugh at thoughts of you and your best friend when you are gown up as you are both as crazy as each other and definitely bad influences!

A photo posted by Hollybobbs (@hollybobbs) on

This month's photo was taken on our first geocaching adventure - or treasure hunt as we call it. We had such a great time getting outside as it has been a while since I have felt up to more than five minutes. It was also the first time I remembered to take a tripod outdoors with us!

The Me and Mine Project


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