Your Youtube #52

Here we are, at number 52 and a whole year since this linky started! I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me and my journey to grow our youtube family community, your support has meant the world and helped spawn the group and chat. There will be more to come in the next 52 weeks so make sure you stick around!

This time, to celebrate a whole year of Your Youtube I've decided to pick a video of the year. It wasn't an easy decision as there has been so many amazing videos linked up, but I've chosen this Draw My Life video from Jules at The Girl Behind The Camera as not only is a DML difficult to film (which I know from experience) I think her story is a pretty incredible one and I love hearing it in this way.

So, for our last linky of 2015 hare your videos below! Please link up no more than two and make sure you comment on the host and at least one other. This linky will run until January and Sian and I will be taking a break over the festive period. Have a fantastic Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!


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