Starting School With Stuck on You

Third in the starting school series comes to you a few days into the schooldays, where the first day jitters have subsided and we're steadily getting into a routine. Today I wanted to share my experiences with name label company, Stuck On You.

All parents who have children starting school, you go out and buy uniforms, bags, drinks bottles and every other paraphernalia required by said school. It is unbelieveable how much it can cost to send your child to school. I chose to buy only the required elements with school badges on - tops, jumper, and cardigan - the rest I opted to buy from Matalan as I felt their clothes were good quality yet not ridiculous prices. A recent survey suggested that 12% of parents spend over £100 on back to school 'essentials,' which does not surprise me at all. (survey completed by

Of course once all these items are purchased you have to name them all! Back in the bygone days when I was in school, my poor mum had no choice but to stitch my name labels into everything. Fortunately now we have the option of iron-on labels, something which I am extremely grateful of as I am no sewer!

We were sent a pack of 50 labels from Stuck On You, all of which had Miss H's name on them, and we could choose from a huge range of colours and styles. In the end I opted for the pastel colours of the Bambolina selection from the classic large label range. After hearing of friends' experiences of these iron-on labels I was a bit skeptical on how well they would work, however I was pretty impressed.

The labels are so simple to put in - simply use the protective paper provided between the label and the iron, press down for 10-20 seconds and it almost moulds to the area, making it permanently stuck in place. I was able to use these on every item of Miss H's clothing, apart from her socks, although if I'd have wanted to I'm sure I could have.

I have since washed the labels on several items of clothing and there isn't a wear at all. I expected the see the labels wrinkle at least, but they look exactly the same as when they were first applied.

Further to the labels we were also sent a lunchbox to try, as well as these adorable cards, all personalised. As yet we haven't needed to use the lunchbox as Miss H is only doing half days, but she loves it nonetheless and once she is on full days and is required to take a snack in, it will come in handy.

I adore the cards, though. Although Miss H isn't reading yet, so doesn't understand what they say, I can't wait to use them in a few months when she is reading a little.

A big thanks to Stuck On You for making the process of starting school that little bit easier. Their huge collection of personalised products includes lunchboxes, library bags, wall canvases, party invitations, stickers, notepads, gift labels and star charts. While all of the products are available individually, Stuck On You also offers many specialised gift sets and value packs designed to provide children with everything they need to stay organized in any situation. Whether a child is heading to school for the first time or just on a weekend away, Stuck On You has the perfect package to help ensure that missing items never become a concern. Head to their website for more information on their brilliant range of products.

*We were sent these products FOC however all my opinions are my own.
**In association with Great British Bingo

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