Me & Mine May

I can't believe May is behind us and we are nearly half way through the year! It has been a busy month for us, ending with Baby J's second birthday, so here is a quick update:

Little Miss H

Our little madam is still exactly that, a bit like the girl who had a little curl in the nursery rhyme - when she is bad she's a nightmare, but when she's good she's such a delight.

This month she has gone into her 'big girl' bed - a mid sleeper decorated with a pink and purple tent and full-on fairy bedding, she absolutely loves it! She tells us the fairies brought it - with a little help from Daddy! She had her first sleepover with one of my friend's little girls and they ate popcorn and watched a film, giggling away at each other. It was so lovely to hear.

She also had a review from nursery this month and we were so proud to hear how well she is doing, they even told us she is ready for school this September, unfortunately being a December baby she will have to wait another year.

Baby Little J

This month saw our little man go into a toddler bed and turn two - the baby days are officially over.

Just like H, he is both a delight and a terror, he is extremely strong willed and stubbornly refuses to do as he is told over and over, and yet one little cheeky grin and my heart melts. He can easily wrap anyone around his little finger and he knows it!

He also is doing very well at nursery and is also ahead in a couple of areas - climbing and feeding! Myself and Mr H couldn't help but laugh as we know what a huge eater he is and he is definitely one for climbing into, over and onto anything he can. Everyone around him cringes with every leap, but I have got used to it now. 

We visited the in-laws caravan in Wales last weekend and took both children swimming and he was in his element, throwing himself in face first without a care. It was both terrifying and hilarious in equal measures and definitely a memory I will treasure!


This month's photo is a bit of a silly one, but I have been persuaded by Mr H it's a keeper! We all decided to pull funny faces, of course Little J wasn't quite sure what that meant!


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