The Last of the Baby Days - A First Birthday

As I write my baby boy is toddling around the house. He took his first steps only ten days ago but with every day he gains confidence. He is a toddler.

It doesn't seem very long since he entered the world, screaming with a head of blond hair he was a wrinkled little thing but he completed our little family. He seems to grow so quickly - the way with the second I believe - but as he rolled at three months and crawled at six he seemed to be a baby only a short while. I remember sitting on the sofa just holding him on my chest, soaking up his newborness. Those were special days.

At first he cried a lot - he hated his Moses basket so went into the cot at a young six weeks, and even then he always fought sleep and still does. When he developed colic things became more difficult and we thought that we had been graced with a cranky little thing. However, when the colic cleared at three months we soon discovered our baby was a content, happy little man. Quite serious, but easy with his smiles and giggles, he was a bit of peace where H was a hyper toddler.

Now those baby days are at an end - tomorrow he turns one. I have planned a quiet day really, lunch with his grandparents and probably some time with daddy when he gets home. We will save his presents for his party on Saturday which will be a slightly bigger affair, with guests, balloons, cake and a bouncy castle!

I am so proud of my little man already and I look forward to the future - watching him run around with his sister, hearing him chatter, teaching him about the world around him, waving him off to school. And that's enough for now.

Son, you may outgrow my lap but never my heart.

Happy birthday my beautiful boy.


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