Our D-Day Decision

If you have been following my story lately (if not see here and here) you will know that Mr H and I have been trying to decide for some time our chosen method of delivery for Baby Boy. Following Little H's 40 hour labour it has been quite a challenge to come to a final answer and after seeing the consultant two weeks ago we were still no closer.
Today was the final day to make this decision and we attended the hospital to see a consultant. We had discussed this quite a bit over the last two weeks and had come to a conclusion, so we were going in aware of what the answer would be, however it still hit me like a ton of bricks once things were commuted to paper.

Between us we had decided to try for a VBAC - Vaginal Birth After C Section, i.e. try and do it the natural way. With having Little H at home I wanted to at least opt for the quickest recovery and of course knowing how painful it was last time I thought it best to at least try to avoid that! However we also said if I went over term by a week we would choose to have a section, I certainly did not want to go through an induction again.

So we advised the consultant of our decision and he was very understanding and supportive, however he advised they don't usually wait a full week after term to have an elective section and wanted to arrange it for my due date. After a small discussion we agreed to go for 40 1/2 weeks as a compromise. So a date was set, forms were filled out and the usual checks were performed.

After the appointment I was a little teary, all of a sudden it seemed very real. Having gone through a section once before I know what to expect and it is nerve-wracking. I do not relish the thought of the painful recovery with a 17 month old to look after. Of course this time I will have a lot of support from our families, but that does not make the thought of surgery any less daunting.

So here we are, on a countdown. If Baby Boy decides not to make his own appearance, he will be evicted in four short weeks. So come on my little man, you can do it!


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