Smiles and Giggles With Smiggle

At the weekend we were invited to the unveiling of the latest range of stationery products at the in the Manchester Arndale branch of Smiggle. Smiggle has taken the world by storm, first opening a small store in Australia in 2003 and eventually making it's way to the UK in 2014. I have to say, it's not a store I'd heard of before but once we'd visited that was it, we were sold.

Full of bright colours, fun characters and all the stationery your child (and you!) could want, Holly was in heaven. The shelves were adorned with notebooks, pencil cases and every variety or eraser you could think of, I don't think she knew quite where to look first. The pens were scented, or wrote in invisible ink and there were backpacks and lunch boxes to match your pencil case, should you so wish.

Holly fell in love with their pop out pencil cases, and I have to say I was in agreement. With hidden compartments for pens, pencil sharpeners and even scissors, they were a really clever way of cramming everything you need into a compact space.

And it's not only for girls - their new camo range is definitely a great product that the boys loved and there is so much range in colours, textures and characters that I'm sure any boy would find something they liked. We ended up buying Jack a pot of light up bouncy goo, which of course he adored.

Image credit: The Mother Geek

It was a really nice morning, and it was even nicer to see a lot of lovely bloggers who I don't get to see very much, so a huge thank you to Smiggle for having us. I'm sure we'll be back!

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