Me & Mine January 2016

Dear Holly & Jack

Today it's February. The second month of this new year is here and yet I can't really remember much of the first. It felt like the longest month in the world and yet looking back I don't know if there's much to take away from it apart from cold, illness and low moods. Let's just say I am welcoming February and a month closer to our holiday in April with open arms.

But this post is a reflection on the last month and what happened over those 30 days, so here's a few words to sum it up.


My big girl, you returned to school after an exciting Christmas, only for you to then be off a week with chickenpox. Caught from your brother, you seemed to get a stronger dose than him but coped really well with them and surprised me.

You've always been a great sleeper but lately have been upset occasionally at bedtime saying you didn't want to sleep on your own. I decided to let you borrow my old teddy as he had always protected mummy when I was little and he would do the same for you. It seems to have done the trick and as long as he beside you, you will now happily drop off.

You seem to be getting so tall now, with long slim legs. You're more than half my height, which is no big surprise and I know before long I'll be looking up at you rather than down!


Baby boy, with you starting school this September you will be a baby no more. After having the chickenpox at Christmas you seem to have been back and forth with a temperature and cold ever since. You don't really let it affect your mood though, and apart from being a bit quieter than usual you have been just as crazy as ever.

This month you saw your first snow since you were six months old. You absolutely loved it, and insisted on smashing it all to pieces with your new 'Hulk Smash' gloves - just typical you. You seem to be slowly becoming more ready for school, although I still don't feel you're as ready as your big sister was - you much prefer running around and chasing balls to sitting and writing your name!

This month's photo pretty much sums up our month - a few tears, laughter and craziness! Definitely an up and down few weeks.

The Me and Mine Project


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