Review: Cosatto Giggle 3-in-1 Travel System

As part of my role as a Cosatto Brand Buddy I am very lucky to have the opportunity to review some of their amazing products. My first review was the Troop car seat and this month we have been trying out the Giggle Travel System.

The Giggle is a 3-in-1 system that can go from newborn until you no longer need a pushchair. Included in your purchase is the pram unit, rain cover, foot muff and a matching changing bag, which I have to say has happily replaced my previously battered bag. The seat can be forward and parent facing and has three different angles from flat to upright. The Giggle is available with a Car Seat and choice of Isofix Base or Hold Base (Car Seat and Base sold separately).

As soon as I opened the Giggle I was in love. I chose the Red Bubble design as I just loved its bold spot design and thought Little J would pull it off with style. Even Mr H, who is not really bothered about what he pushes as long as it does the job, was impressed with the anodised red chassis in a smooth satin finish. It really does look impressive. If this one isn't for you, there are five other equally stunning designs which you can see here.

This is the second three wheeler pram we have owned and the previous one was an all-terrain pram so was more suited for off road. The Giggle is really easy to push and manoeuvres smoothly, even Miss H has had a turn. It goes up and down kerbs well and is relatively lightweight.

The only problem I have had is fitting it in my boot - I have a Nisan Juke and the boot space is pretty tight, so I have to remove the back wheels to get it to fit. This is done by pressing a button just above the wheels and they then pop off easily. Not a complete disaster, but a bit of a faff when you have two little ones to sort out too.

Little J is now two and a half, but fit in the seat nicely, with plenty of room around him. The protectors on the straps are nice and padded and he can rest his feet on the frame at the bottom if he needs to. We used it with and without the bumper bar, and both worked out fine for us. 

We also tried out the rain cover when a day out nearly turned into a washout, and Little J was quite happy to have it over him, although the hood itself actually provided a lot of protection, so the cover was only really needed for his legs when it came down really heavy. 

In this pushchair J sits quite high up, and so it means he gets a much better view when we are out and about. He can see most of what we can see and isn't leaning out or stretching up to try and get a better view of the world. As the handle is adjustable it is also great for myself and Mr H, as I can have it lower for my shorter stature and he can raise it so he's not having to stretch down to push it.

Unfortunately Little J is now definitely too old for the bassinet feature so we were unable to give this a try, however I can say it is as sturdy as the rest of the parts and just as bold and beautiful. The hood has loops for toys, which is a lovely addition, and it has a carry handle and removable washable liner inside, which is always handy for newborns.

Overall we really love the Giggle, not least because of its bold, funky pattern. It is comfortable, moves smoothly and has all the features you need from a travel system and with a price tag of £420 you get a lot of product for your money. To find out more you can visit the Cosatto website, or follow them on Twitter.

*We were sent this product for free, however all opinions are my own.


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