My Week That Was - Settling In

Baby J is now three weeks old and it has been an interesting few weeks, adapting to the new man in our lives. H has done really well, but it has been a struggle at times, especially to keep our patience when we've had little sleep through the night. Anyway, here is my weekly catch up.

On Monday and Tuesday Mr H was still at home with us, as he had a couple of extra days due to the bank holidays. We spent the days at home, trying to get into some form of routine. Monday afternoon saw us have a walk to the nearby park, which H loved. On Tuesday afternoon Mr H took our pooch to the groomers with H, so Jack and I spent a bit of time on our own.
On Wednesday Mr H returned to work for his first day. My Mum came over to help out, as still I can't lift H, dress her or just generally bend over to do much at all. However we did have a couple of hours to ourselves that morning, which we all managed to survive through! The midwife came over that day to see me and advised she thought I had an infection, not only in my incision but also in my bladder and uterus! I don't do things by halves! That evening I head to the doctors and got some antibiotics, with the hope that they would do the trick as I was beginning to feel totally wiped out once more.
On Thursday we didn't do very much, my mum had looked after Baby J through the night so she tried to recover from the early morning feeds! On Friday Mr H's parents came over so his dad could cut our jungle-like lawn. With so much to do in the house, Mr H has just not had time to get outside and our front garden was beginning to resemble the local tip - all it needed was the battered sofa! Of course the rain came in buckets so my poor father-in-law got drenched, but the garden was vastly improved by his efforts. They then offered to take H back with them and kept her for the night, so I had a small break that afternoon. With the Euro currently on every channel, I was powerless to resist Mr H's need to watch the England match, so we spent the evening with some friends. It was nice to get out of the house for a few hours, and to top it off England won, so at least Mr H wasn't sulking afterwards!
We spent Saturday with Mr H's parents, celebrating Father's Day. Due to the weather we didn't do very much, but they watched H for most of the day so we felt we'd had a bit of a break. On Sunday H and I woke up Mr H with a brew and his pressies and it was so cute watching her clamber on him shouting daddy! We then drove over the Yorkshire to see my dad and give him his present. As he goes into hospital on Thursday for his heart bypass surgery, it was the last time I would be seeing him before his operation, so saying goodbye wasn't easy. I know he will be in the best hands, but when it is your dad that is going in for such major surgery its hard not to feel overwhelmed by it all. Plus my hormones don't do me any favours at the moment!

So there is my week, not very exciting, but a lot going on in my head if nothing else! This week Jenny at Mummy Mishaps is hosting My Week That Was whilst Katie is away sunning herself! Head over and give her some love!


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