During my recent day out at Blog On in Manchester, I was introduced to the lovely ladies at Tena. My previous associations with this brand were that of older women suffering from that which we all come to expect later in life - bladder weakness. Actually, though, they had so much information to share that is relevant to my generation I was shocked. For example, did you know 1 in 3 women will suffer from bladder weakness in their lives, some of which will be in their twenties? I had no idea how common this problem can be, which is probably because it is somewhat of a taboo subject.
The Tena ladies explained that many women are so embarrassed to talk about it or get help that it stops them doing things they love to do. Tena have recently shared a video featuring women talking about their 'little leak' moments - it highlights that this shouldn't be such a hidden topic. So many of us can suffer from it and breaking the stigma by talking about it is the best thing any of us can do. I'm sure if we can talk about our periods and even our sex lives that we should be able to talk about something that can affect our lives so considerably?
So if you are suffering then don't be afraid to talk about it and make people like me aware that this problem is not just for the older generations. Let's break that taboo.